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our Story

MS Gulf Coast Mutual Aid Collective (MGCMAC) is a diverse group of folks from the MS Gulf Coast to Hattiesburg who have come together to support and care for one another and our communities while also educating ourselves, each other and our communities about our social, political and economic systems. 


We mobilize in times of climate or man-made disaster or emergency to respond to safety and survival needs of the most impacted community members in our region. We also engage in ongoing community care and community defense (i.e. participating in ICE watch to alert our immigrant brothers and sisters to ICE presence and activity) alongside vulnerable communities. By working with, listening to, and supporting impacted individuals and communities, especially our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, we support what they need for their own safety and survival, to lead their own disaster recoveries and to build long-term, sustainable and resilient communities. 


Additionally, MGCMAC engages in ongoing political education and analysis around climate change and man-made disasters like poverty, the unhoused crisis and food apartheid and the man-made systems and structures that are causing these crises. We will support communities in organizing to build collective power and resources needed to implement the solutions they decide are most important and necessary for them to create healthier, safer and more resilient communities. 


Finally, MGCMAC engages in crowd-sourced fundraising through our MS Gulf Coast Mutual Aid Fund to help community members facing hardship and instability due to high utility bills, medical expenses, grocery costs, rent or other basic survival expenses.






Our Goals

  • Build radical solidarity across communities in South Mississippi.

  • Promote self-determination, resilience and adaptation in frontline communities across South Mississippi by building a network of residents and groups that coordinate and share resources to prioritize community care and rapid response. 

  • Promote increased awareness around climate change and its impacts.

  • Facilitate development and implementation of community-led solutions to increasing community disaster preparedness, resilience and adaptation.

Copyright 2023 by Mississippi Rising Coalition | All rights reserved | 
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